
Poker games are played and very well known all over the world and so there are many online sites which offer poker games. After making these games online interest among people regarding poker games increased allot and so they became very famous in less time. On of such famous site for poker games is qq poker which provides different types of poker games and people love it in all ways.

This site has seven different games in it and all these seven games became very famous as they have their own unique strategies and rules which make people attracted to it. All these seven games can be played by betting and so here also betting ways vary from game to game. qq poker seven games involved in it are:-

DominoQQ or Domino99:-

This is online betting game and people are head over heels in love with this game. Here betting is done using domino cards. And so 28 different domino cards are used for betting and all these 28 different cards will have different spheres on them.


This game is almost similar to DominoQQ. But the only difference here is we use only two domino cards for betting. This game is even more confusing than others.

Online sacking:-

This is the newest game which is launched by poker actecnews in 2017 and people love it. This game has king, queen, jack and AS. It is very simple while playing and exited too.

qq poker

Online poker:-

In Indonesia people are deeplyin love with this online poker game and it is must for them among all other games. This is online betting game which can be played just by using some cards and byfollowing rules and strategies in it.

Poker band:-

This game is a combination of online poker and also BandarQ. This is very interesting and will feel even easier while playing as it has all those same qualities as other games.

Capsa stack:-

This is one of the most popular games in Indonesia. Here playing cards are used for betting alike in all other poker games.  This game can be played using or following all strategies and we can win easily.


This is a place and all people in this place are crazy about this game and people love playing it. There are some specific rules to be followed to play this game but once if you start playing his will be the best and addictive.