Online Casino Games

This is sometimes a source of uncertainty for players because they do not really know which poker site to choose. They must nevertheless be reassured by being aware that the truth of today is not necessarily that of tomorrow and especially that each player has a different approach to an operator according to his age, his level, his experience or his budget. Therefore, in order to select a poker site, it is strongly recommended to use a list of both objective and personal criteria in order to achieve the best possible choice. In this context and in the context of this article, we have established a list certainly not exhaustive but in any case very complete con

cerning the selection criteria of an online poker site. They are twenty in number and concern accreditation, seniority, financial health, nationality, security, prevention, technological reliability, functionalities, availability on MAC and Mobile, means of payment, bonuses. Registration, promotional catalog, free tournaments, ambassadors CasinoFair – the fairest casino , partners, diversity of activity, customer service, news and the social presence of the Poker site.

Online Casino Games

The approval of the poker site

Among the many criteria that can be used to choose a poker site, its compliance with the Legislation in force is simply essential and it is first and foremost through obtaining support from the narrow Authority of Online Games . If you are unable to find an operator’s approval number on its official website or if you doubt its veracity, it is strongly recommended to contact the Casino Fair – the fairest casino  to be absolutely sure that it is not established outside any legal framework as it is still the case of many poker sites despite all the efforts made by the French authorities to counteract this phenomenon.

The seniority of the poker site

In light of the list of at least impressive poker sites closed over the last three years, it should focus on a poker site whose seniority naturally gives him a certain pledge of seriousness. To determine the seniority of a poker site, just look at the date of obtaining approval from the ARJEL because it almost always corresponds to its launch date on the French market of online poker.

The financial health and nationality of the poker site

While this information is generally overlooked by players, it is important to take into account the financial health and nationality of the publisher of a poker site because these two elements can have a major impact in case of premature closure and despite all the protection mechanisms imposed by the Online Games Regulatory Authority. If the reading of the general conditions posted on the Poker site makes it easy to know if it is published by French or foreign company, the determination of its financial health will require not only to consult the specialized sites but also to keep abreast of market news.