The game is directly played from the smart phones. Every year more and more sites are growing be fans because of the difficulty of finding land with airport services uses the original money. The winner of each hand of Poker online is the player that holds the highest ranked hand when all the cards are shown at the end that is known as the “showdown” or the last uncalled bet is made by the player.
The traditional high poker hand ranks
- Straight flush: all the cards in the numerical order and are of all the identical suits. Highest rank at the top of the sequence wins. The best flush is known as the royal flush, which consists of the ace, king, queen, jack and ten of a suit. Royal flush is an unbeatable hand.
- Four of a kind: one side card or kicker and four cards of the same rank. Highest four o a kind wins. In card games where players have the same four of a kind the highest fifth side kicker wins.
- Full house: there are three cards of the same rank and two cards of a different matching rank. Highest three matching cards wins the pot. In card games where the players have the same three matching card wins.
- Flush: it is five cards of the same suit. The second highest, third highest, fourth highest, fifth highest can be used to break the tie. If five cards are same ranks the pot is split. The suit is never used to break a tie in poker.
- Straight: five cards in a sequence. Highest card at the top of the sequence wins. The ace may be used at the top of the sequence and is the only card which can act this manner. A, K, Q, J, T is the ace highest and 5, 4, 3, 2, A is the lowest.
- Three of a kind: three cards of the same rank and two unrelated side cards. Highest ranking three of a kind wins. Players have the same three of a kind, the highest side card, the second highest side card wins.
- Two pair: two cards of a matching rank another two cards of a different rank and one side card. The highest pair wins. If both the players have two identical pairs the highest card wins.
- One pair: two cards of a matching rank and three unrelated side cards. Highest pair wins. If the players have the same pair the highest side the card wins and if necessary the second highest and third highest side card can be used to break the tie.
- High card: the hand that does not qualify under a category that is listed above. The highest card wins and if necessary the second highest, third highest, fourth highest and smallest card can be used to break the tie.
- Poker online games feature a forced bet such as Big Blind and Small Blind. These forced bets comprise the staring pot in any given hand of poker, which is the first incentive players have to win the hand. Action arising from the subsequent rounds of betting further increases the size of a pot.
Players play moving clockwise on the table. The players can play when their chance come:
- Check- players can only check when there is no bet during the current round and act of checking passes the action clockwise to next person in the hand.
- Bet- players may bet if other players have bet during the current round.
- Fold- player who fold forfeit their cards and cannot win or act again during the current hand.
- Call- players have bet during the current round.
Raise- players may rise if other players have to bet during the current round, this requires the player to match the highest bet.